Low Carb Lobster Roll on Crack!

Low Carb Lobster Roll on Crack!

Lobster Rolls with Avocado Crack are the perfect meal for summer!

Lobster Roll 

Something about the creamy lobster salad, the perfectly balanced flavor of Avocado Crack, and the warm buttery roll just take me there. This is the ultimate foodie flavor fix you have been looking for. Let's get into how I made it!


This recipe is simple and to make it low carb just substitute a Sola Low Carb Hot Dog Bun for a regular bun or roll.


Avocado Crack Seasoning

Lobster Salad


Sola Low Carb Hot Dog Bun (Pack of 2) Amazon affiliate link



Spread butter on your Sola Bun

Place roll, buttered side down, in a non-stick skillet over medium heat to desired toastiness (I like a little brown on my bun *praise hands*)

Once roll is toasted, remove from heat and spoon on desired amount of lobster salad

Last but most importantly, garnish your yummy lobster roll with the addicting flavor of Avocado Crack Seasoning


Love, Yolanda 💚🥑✨

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